Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mike Shannon - "Filling Up with Leo Cardenas"

As rumored, he's there, in uniform,
Checking oil, cleaning windshields,
When I pull slowly into the station.
Though I've only three dollars to spend,
I stop at the FULL SERVICE island and wait for him.
As he squeezes the nozzle into the hole under
My license plate, I toy with his brown hand.
I slide it into a Rawling fielder's glove -
Blackened by repeated oiling and
Thinned in the pocket by continual poundings
To a toughening suppleness.
As expected, the fit is good.
I wrap this brown hand around the stick mottled
Handle of a Louisville Slugger, down near the knob.
The fingers - one at a time - flex off
And then regrip the rounded ash,
Until the wood becomes an extension of the hand.
He wipes this hand down his pants.
But they are not white double-knit baseball pants.
They are blue and cotton, cuffed at the grass.
He holds his hand out, bare and empty,
Like a supplicant, and as I count the gas money
Into it, I feel as if he's being cheated.

The Day Satchel Paige and the Pittsburgh Crawfords Came to Hertford, N.C.

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