Monday, May 21, 2012

Bill Davis - "The Boys"

Walter lets the boys in through Gate B
about an hour before game time.
Carlo and Tommy and Skunk
and Silver and Gus.
About thirty or forty in all,
depending on the night.
Some younger guys,
but most of them
had been in right field for years.
A lot of money changed hands.
Silver and Richie
hung over the railing of the bullpen
then went back up and reported.
("He's pissed off - doesn't like his curve -
throw in high - but you know how he is --")
Tommy would go out to make a call.

If a game got lopsided quickly
most of them would leave,
unless there was a big Yankee game
they kept track of on the scoreboard.
The day after Gus died,
two young guys were waiting around,
asking about Gus,
asking about money they had coming
after a late rally win by the Indians.
Carlo paid them the money,
told them to leave,
then sat down and
opened the evening Herald
to read the pitcher's summary.

Local 254, 1974

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